Monday, September 10, 2007

A few shots of Josiah

It's crazy to think that Josiah is 2 weeks old today. The days have flown by and I'm already noticing that Josiah's face is filling out a bit. It's funny how newborns can look so different in each picture. I tried to find some that look like him...if that makes sense to anyone out there. I think he's got Adam's eyes but that's about the only resemblance I can find at this point. Do you think there's a chance he'll have some blonde hair?? I kind of hope so... :)


The Erickson Family said...

These photos are great! SO fun to see some good close-ups of Josiah! I love his skinny little legs. I'm not sure of who I think he looks like either... Might be more clear as time goes on. He seems to be a good blend of both of you.

Candis Berge said...

Oh I miss him! He is changing already! Can't wait to see him Sunday.

Kristina said...

I see Adam's eyes and Andrea's face. Who knows though, they change so much so quickly. He sure is cute though!!