Monday, October 22, 2007

the men in my life

I love this picture. Why?? you ask. Two reasons: These men represent 4/5 of my favorites on earth AND they're wearing coordinating clothes (and I didn't even pick out the grown-up's attire). I am definitely wearing off on Adam. :) What a handsome bunch.

Here's the other favorite man in my life. Josiah is 8 weeks old today and so much fun. He is very smiley and mellow. He tolerates the kids and loves to be held by me. It's so great!

The latest skill: sticking out his tounge.


Rachel said...

He is sooo cute! And I love love love love the picture at the top of your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, What great Pics!! It was so fun to catch up on your family. Yes I think Josiah looks like grandpa Bruce. Karen

CJ Olson said...

I love that picture of the guys!! You definitely are rubbing off on Adam! He looks very nice!

Josiah looks so CUTE!! Just wait until he figures out how to blow bubbles!! That's Nikolas new trick and he's so proud of it!