Tuesday, November 27, 2007

O Christmas Tree

Monday night was our night for the Christmas tree. We have a tree lot really close to our house so we always go there. This year Adam had the brilliant idea of strapping the tree onto our wagon instead of the top of the car. This way he and the kids could get some exercise walking the tree home. The kids thought this was a COOL idea and they happily got bundled up for the excursion...even Hannah. Timothy and Luke each hauled the tree a considerable distance while Adam hauled Hannah.

We didn't let the kids decorate the tree last year so Timothy was extra eager to help out this year. He loves working with Adam and Adam is SOOOO patient with him!

Timothy helped Josiah check out the tree and lights. Josiah crashed after this so he won't be in any more pictures. :)

I LOVE this picture. The kids look so cute and innocent... Look closer - Luke has a saw ornament in his hands. Instead of trying to HANG the saw, he is actually trying to cut some of the branches off! That boy is just hysterical!

Adam decided to be funny...Candis, does this bring back any memories???

After the tree was all done we turned off the lights and read the bedtime stories by the light of the Christmas tree.


The Erickson Family said...

Oh Andrea, I love these photos! What a fun fun day that was for your family! You are great parents to those four little ones. This is such a fun time of year!

Hallie said...

What a fun night. The kids are so cute!

sevenstroms said...

A great family photo minus one...maybe you can photoshop him in! Love all your updates...keep them coming!
Happy Holiday Season to you all...

CJ Olson said...

Looks like you guys had a great time getting and decorating the tree. :-)

Ekelund Fam said...

So fun! I love the stories by the tree. What a cool idea!

I love turning down the house lights and having the tree be the sole light in the room. It is so calming (ok so the kids are in bed sleeping too). :)