Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ahhh Hannah

This girl just cracks us up! I was going through some pictures from Christmas Eve and I found these 2 great ones. Hannah is really into being a mommy and she got some new bottles for her babies. She first tested them out on her doll and then she had to try it for herself.

Hannah is always digging in my bathroom drawers. She found this cute headwrap of mine and it went perfectly with her little sweater. Couldn't resist a picture! And of course, Dora slippers!

Poor Josiah, I caught Hannah playing in the bouncy seat...while Josiah was laying in it himself. He didn't even fuss so I don't know how long he was being squished.

Here's my latest attempt at the hair. Hannah has NO patience for this so we usually just smack a bow on top of her head. I wonder how the ponies will look after a night of sleep and busy hands...


Candis Berge said...

Oh cute! I love the hair with those colorful clips. Wonderful. Also, the Dora slippers. Great pictures.

Alison said...

I know I say this all the time - but WOW! Hannah is adorable! Great job with the ponies! How are they holding up?