Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a rare moment

"Baby Jo-Jo" as we call him doesn't get much alone time with Daddy. Every once in a while Josiah will be up after the kids are asleep and then guess who gets all the attention...not me! :)

Josiah enjoys being in the exersaucer - thank goodness! He can turn around to check out all the different toys keeping himself entertained so I can have my arms free once in a while. I shouldn't complain too much, I do have great biceps thanks to my children. :)


CJ Olson said...

Can Josiah's feet touch the bottom of the exersaucer?? Nik loves his but his feet barely touch the ground. I love the picture of Adam & Jo Jo

Andrea said...

Caristy - Josiah's feet don't touch the bottom so we put either blankets or a flat pillow down so he can reach. Give it a try! It worked with all the kids.